How did you find yourself here? A pretty pin, an intriguing tweet or a Facebook share? Maybe a Google search lead you to The Modest Cottage. Whatever the case may be you decided to click through because there was the promise of learning or perfecting a specific domestic skill.
That’s what happens at The Modest Cottage. Readers come for inspiration and lessons in cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing, DIYing and celebrating holidays. To learn the skills to help keep a household running smoothly.
Perhaps you are a new stay at home mom or maybe you are living on your own for the first time. You need at least some of these skills to keep your home from going to the dogs. Recipes and tutorials in every category will help you to not only acquire, but hone these skills to take care of yourself and your family.
Each post in any category will have a difficulty rating. You can start with the easiest recipes and projects and work your way up to advanced or start where ever you feel most comfortable.
Hi! I’m Emily and I’m glad you stopped by. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.